Released Oct 31, 2023
‘'Uncanny Creatures from a Distance,' a bone-chilling Nifty Gateway collection inspired by three legendary horror films: "The Shining," "Kairo," and "Ringu." This Halloween, we're delving into scenes where eerie entities loom just out of reach, waiting.
"The Shining": In this collection, we capture the tense final chase scene from "The Shining," where Danny Torrance navigates a snow-covered maze while his crazed father, Jack, hunts him down. The artwork encapsulates the heart-pounding climax of Kubrick's masterpiece, filled with chilling anticipation and the distant echoes of madness.
"Kairo": Paying tribute to the Japanese supernatural horror of "Kairo," we focus on the moment when Hen Yabe encounters a female ghost at the end of a dimly lit hallway. She slowly advances toward him, maintaining an eerie distance. This scene epitomizes the film's existential terror and the unsettling feeling of an otherworldly presence.
"Ringu": This collection also immortalizes the horrifying conclusion of "Ringu," where Ryuji bears witness to Sadako emerging from the depths of a dark, menacing well. This haunting moment is vividly captured in our artwork, bringing to life the fear of the unknown and the terror that emerges from the shadows.