Released Sep 23, 2022
In a distant future, humans have developed a new program called ARK that allows them to create digital neural engrams of themselves, resulting in the emergence of a machine-dominated society in a world where humanity, in its carbon-based form, is on the verge of extinction due to its own self-destructive nature.
The ARK programme attracted people who wanted to enhance their survivability in an increasingly hostile future, or people who simply felt their full potential could not be achieved in a single lifespan, and people who had some lingering regrets and wanted a second life to make amends.
Those people would later be called the AllChromes.
"Transhuman" is a collection of 3 animated, highly detailed artworks that follow the daily life of an Allchromer. Plus an additional animation as a collector reward featuring the setting where this story takes place.
These Ranked Auctions will open at 6:30 pm ET on Friday September 23rd and remain open for bidding for 1.5 hours until 8:00 pm ET. Any bids made in the final five minutes will re-set the countdown timer to 5 minutes. Minimum bid increases: RECHARGE - $50 // ZEN PROTOCOL - $10 // RECOMPILE - $5
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