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The Stranger

Released Jun 23, 2023

Weirdart Academy

The Stranger

The Stranger Limited edition By Freddy Samo

The Stranger

This time, Fred tried something new, through The Stranger series, he tried to break away from the usual visuals by exploring the strange figures he made in black and white. With the absurdism approach of Albert Camus, he produces a human disharmony that makes them unable to try and just surrender themselves, even more distant and stranger in this complicated life.

Artist Profile


Freddy samo is a poet as well as an artist from Indonesia with an crazy idea in working, with this process in making his work very deep and emotional. Freddy with his oddities are rarely found in this era of art, he argued that something strange and crazy things one day were going to explode and endlessly, he was irresistible and would explode much.

Starting on 6/24/2023 2:00 am Time Zone: GMT+7 (7:00 pm UTC) to 6/28/2023 1:00 am (7:00 pm UTC)

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