Released Jan 25, 2023
Stuck In Nostalgia collection is a set of animated artworks dedicated to simply remembering the past. Nostalgia is an extremely complex aspect of human emotions and it can simply be defined in many ways such as longing for the past , a sentimental recollection , mixed feelings , etc and hopefully art can speak that language and bring you the experience all over again. Stuck In Nostalgia collection helps find stability in the modern art world while recollecting the memories of the past. Ultimately, nostalgia is a confluence of emotions provoked by distinct memories in our lives and this collection will hopefully take you on a nostalgic ride.
Meityform is a GIF artist and meme creator; reinterpreting internet culture in a sociological context by caricaturing it. Creating his own ‘memetics’, culture, characters in cooperation with AI and keep them alive in every aspect of Web3.
There's a place called Khayali, and he has been there!
Deriniti is a self-taught female Artist from NY with a passion for creating unique, one of a kind art through the exploration of drawing, digital art, animation and AI infusion. Faith, love and family are her inspiration.
Aadrika is an architect, a digital artist and an animator. Most of her work is influenced by nature, her surroundings and people around her at that moment. She believes that creativity is something that comes from within and cannot be taught. She went on to study through practical experience, learning through trial and error and self learning studying the works of some of the famous artists and architects as her mentor. It was here that she furthered expanded on her knowledge in art and design.
Riska, or known as Holakanola, is an Illustrator based in Indonesia. Her style is mostly influenced by fairytales and have a strong attachment to details, patterns, and colors.
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