Released Aug 4, 2023
Erdogan Paksoy has been attracting attention with his dystopian paintings, which he has created as a result of his research since 2017. The artist captivates collectors with unexpected gestures and surprises. Previously, he surprised collectors who owned his collection named "Ruvorvia" by airdropping them into the dystopian universe. Don't miss the chance to own this unique piece, hand-drawn by the artist!
Erdogan Paksoy is interested in traditional, contemporary and digital art. He received awards from many competitions at home and abroad. Many famous people such as art collectors, musicians and film actors have followed Erdogan Paksoy's art with admiration and added his works of art to the collection. He has album cover designs on music platforms like Spotify. He has been in the press and now many people know him. He wrote a scientific thesis on the reflection of environmental pollution on paintings and made paintings on this subject. Gas masked people have become his signature and dystopian influences appear in the artist's oil paintings. He also depicts superheroes in digital media with different visibility. He has been involved with NFT since 2021. Come on, some art!
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