Released Jan 15, 2024
"Prototype" is a captivating digital artwork by Joey Tadiar that delves into the inception of creativity. Every artwork begins with an idea, and this piece illuminates the transformative journey from conceptualisation to reality.
Inspired by Joey's childhood curiosities and a passion for collectible toy culture, REMO comes to life in this exclusive creation. "Prototype" offers a nostalgic glimpse into the realms where Joey once daydreamed as a child, evolving into a manifestation of his imaginative prowess.
Now a big kid with the ability to breathe life into his ideas, Joey presents a Ranked Auction of 5. This limited edition digital artwork grants a rare opportunity for art enthusiasts to secure a piece of Joey's vision. Don't miss the chance to own a piece of creativity brought to life by Joey Tadiar.
"New Wheels" captures the essence of Joey's childhood collecting adventures, from Pokemon cards and football stickers to stamps, bottle caps, and model cars. Reflecting the artist's diverse interests, this piece is a nostalgic journey through the treasures of youth.
Embrace the opportunity to claim a unique piece of Joey's creative journey with "New Wheels." This first-come, first-served artwork is a testament to the spontaneous spirit of collecting, inviting you to be the first to own a slice of Joey's nostalgic inspiration. Don't miss the chance to roll with "New Wheels" in your collection.
"Desk Lamp" is a whimsical and nostalgic art piece designed for collectors to journey back to the enchanting days of their childhood.
Available exclusively to those who have embraced the magic of Joey's earlier drops, this artwork invites you to relish in the memories and connections forged through the artist's previous creations.
You can claim "Desk Lamp" for free if you hold a piece from either:
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