Released Jan 24, 2023
More than half of my 22 years of life has been interested in art, at the beginning of my high school years, I started to create my first visual works thanks to hiphop culture and graffiti, and over time, I continued my journey by feeding on digital art and different disciplines, and 4 years ago, I took my connection with art to the next level by enrolling in the visual communication design department of the faculty of fine arts at the university. While I was studying at university, I gained experience by working in agencies and eventually I sat in the art director's chair, which is my dream job. Realizing that I was away from real art while working as an art director in my normal life, I entered the NFT world about 8.9 months ago to provide myself with a motivation. I released my first collection on March 27, 2021, on my birthday, and my learning process started. I use monochrome color palettes in the artwork I produce in 3D discipline, and I aim to capture the main strikingness in the composition and the message of the work, It is always my first priority that my works have deep stories and meanings, and in this collection I will tell you about myself with a piece of me.