Released Sep 15, 2023
A parallel view of the Geishas' World, using the Four Seasons as a metaphor for their history and life.
1- Renaissance - (Spring) by MINA POWER
Below the flowers of a Sakura tree, the goddess emerges from her hiding, bringing Spring’s life with her.
2- 7th day of the 7th month - (Summer) by MINA POWER
The Tanabata festival celebrates the meeting between the star Orihime and Hikoboshi (Vega and Altair in English) on the summer night of July 7th.
Orihime was daughter of the sky lord Tentei and married with Hikoboshi. After their marriage, they began to neglect their duties, incurring Tentei’s anger. As punishment for their laziness, Tentei separated the two lovers and ordered them to stay apart on opposite sides of the Milky Way. Now only - on the 7th day of the 7th month - can they spend the night together.
In Mina´s version of this story, Orihime reveals herself, showing a tattoo of her beloved in an eternal embrace. As she longs for her lover, she weaves a magic kimono on which appears a boat and its boatman - who will bring Hikoboshi to her - so that they can meet secretly in this secret place on this magical summer night.
3- Aki - (Autumn) by ARISTA2099
Time passes, and what was once a centuries-old culture rooted in society, today becomes lonely, diluted in cheap substitutes, struggling to Roy Batty said..."All those moments will be lost in time like tears in the rain."
4- Samui fuyu - (Winter) by ARISTA2099
Hieratic, the geisha preens herself facing the viewer, slowly, the rain picks up between the buildings, the ship approaches... the disconnection screen in the window jumps to later jump in full screen... the geisha was real, or it was also a virtual recreation...we are the spectators or perhaps we are part of another sequence where we observe and are observed.
Is a digital artist with a degree in graphic design. She studied at the School of Art and Design in Alicante, Spain. Although she has always been around art, it wasn't until January 2022 that she began her career as a crypto artist. She feels a special predilection towards magical realism, and that's why she likes to experiment with disproportionate characters, with an irregular anatomy or merging crazy objects. This exploration shows my state of mind - normally cheerful and positive - but also mher divergent way of looking at the world around her.
ARISTA 2099:
"The path of my resolution has steel rails on which my soul runs” (Captain Ahab – Moby Dick) Arista2099, stage name of Eloy Carrera, is an expressionist artist born in Vigo, Spain. His work is influenced by cubism, literature, comics and street art. Interested in mythology, religions, symbolism, classical and contemporary art and new myths, Arista2099 reviews the evolution of the human species and the future we are heading towards, transferring them to the canvas or the world of crypto art. Social realism, the power of the will where all is lost and myths are recurring elements in Arista2099's work, in which the indomitable characters are undoubtedly his favorites. Currently Arista2099 has group exhibitions in Lisbon, Madrid, Rome and in October it will be at the ART FAIR 2023 fair in London.
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