Released Mar 30, 2023
No Brain: // "Hunted by noise, haunted by past memories, rotten information rushing before our eyes makes our brains go blank. Don't understand the contents of the world and aware of what is happening. Just trying to stay alive and survive. I don't know what will happen tomorrow, I don't care...!" (2023)
Panji Krishna is a visual & digital self taught artist and the curator of PAKA Collective. Almost 15 years doing in arts. He create the beauty human story with creative medium whether that was through writing or making art. some of exhibition of his artworks: BAZAAR Art Jakarta, DOT MOV Film Festival Japan by SHIFT Magz, Crypto Art Week ASIA, Biennal MUVIPARTY by OK VIDEO, Published on COLLECTED Art BOOK - NY and more... Has been in the NFT world since 2021 and has been consistent until now.
"Let's get lost together..."
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