Released Aug 4, 2023
Discover "As Above, So Below," a collection exploring the lives of two characters residing in opposite worlds. Witness captivating art forms reflecting light and darkness, hope and despair, and the profound emotions defining humanity. Delve into your own dualities through interactive exhibits, celebrating the harmony found in contradictions. Uncover the interconnectedness of all existence in this thought-provoking showcase of resilience and self-discovery. Look up to see what lies below, look down to unveil what soars above. Join us on this extraordinary journey through the dual sides of life.
This collection opens on August 4th at 6:30pm EST. It features one open edition, and two 10 edition ranked auctions.
The drop will start at 6:30pm EST and will remain open until August 5th at 6:30pm EST. When auctions enter the final 5 minutes, each successful bid will reset the timer to 5 minutes.
Minimum bid increase of $10.
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