Released May 2, 2023
I aimed to reflect my thoughts on the brain being a true wizard in this collection, as we still know very little about the organ inside our skulls and many of us live without even caring or wondering about its abilities. We cannot even imagine and create a color that we have never seen before. We are the tiny fruits of the universe and cannot construct an existence independent of it. The concept of time within the existing reality makes things even more complex. While "past," "future," and "present" are one whole, we tend to think of time linearly.
Our memories and experiences are one of the most important pillars of the brain's survival mechanism. We see, experience, and stimulate. This stimulation has built science, philosophy, art, and humanity.
Although past experiences are the most trusted source in our survival process, the brain has a serious ability to change the past. When a moment is experienced, the neurons in the brain take a shape, and when we want to remember that moment again, the neurons cannot do the exact same sequence as in that moment and we remember it fragmented. What's more, the more we try to remember the same moment, the more we fragment and change it. We can have a memory of something that has never actually happened.
This situation brought me to these hybrid works that I created with every knowledge I have learned in the past.
I just tried to remember!
Digital touches on oil paintings with portraits of doubtful reality.
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