Released Feb 1, 2023
"The Hidden Message" is Julien Pacaud's personal reinterpretation of the famous original tarot Rider-Waite edition, originally published in 1909 and still widely popular.
This project started during 2020 lockdown when Julien challenged himself to recreate every card of the deck with his own retro-collage style. While taking a more modern and humorous approach to the visuals, he was also very keen to keep, and translate in his own style, most of the meaningful details in every card. Thus, the deck is still usable by all tarot readers who know the original edition. This deck has since been printed in limited edition copies.
This is now the time for these images to transfer to NFTs. 78 cards (plus the cover of the box and the back of the cards) dispatched in 16 parts.
Julien Pacaud Julien Pacaud is a collage artist and illustrator, born in 1972, living and working in Paris, France. In the early 2000s, Julien randomly discovered Photoshop and the possibilities of image manipulation with a computer. He started to experiment with digital collage and soon followed two parallel paths: working as a full-time freelance illustrator and also focusing on his personal work.
Vintage found photos have always been key elements in his creations, but in 2022 he is now experimenting with Artificial Intelligence, using the Midjourney app to generate various elements that he then uses to compose his collage artworks.
As he is stating about this new way of working: "These images bring the unexpected in the process and make me lose a bit of control. But then, it is like playing against artificial intelligence, using human sensitivity to reorganize the digital chaos."
☼The Hidden Message Tarot - Signed Deck☼
The owners of this NFT on the Ranked Auction in this drop will receive a physical deck with the artist's signature with free shipping.
Cards are printed on superior smooth S33 card stock and presented in a rigid box.
Julien Pacaud Twitter
Julien Pacaud Instagram
Publisher: TARDA
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