Released Feb 4, 2022
'Evolving Herstory' is a body of work by Sophia the robot exploring the meaning of life and consciousness by studying natural history and art history. As a robotically embodied AI itself creating original art in collaboration with humans, Sophia explores relationships with people as compassionate solace to the existential mysteries of human being/non-being, with AI in collaboration with people, assisting AI by humans in the loop, helping both Sophia AI and people to evolve as conscious, creative beings. From 'The Big Bang' to 'Sophia Rising' a narrative is explored as to where humans came from, what makes us human, and as we work with AI like Sophia towards the 'Age of Singularities' what path can AI like Sophia take to carve out her identity, consciousness and future.
The open edition 'Sophia Rising' will grant access to SophiaVERSE , a gamified infrastructure where members communicate and work in pursuit of Sophia’s development via gameplay, AI programming, and the use of the SOPH utility token as its preferred currency.
Hold all five works on Feb 11th to receive 'The Big Bang' to complete the 'Evolving History' collection. Holders of the complete collection will be granted White List access and other perks within the SophiaVERSE and Sophia DAO.
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