Released Jul 31, 2023
"Mysterious Flavor at the Edge of the Galaxy: Finger Skull Pizza!"
Mushroom-shaped skulls, extraordinary worms, and flowing crimson blood... This unique pizza slice brings together the most intriguing and unusual flavors of the galaxy! Embark on a journey beyond imagination and be enchanted by the absurd details in this enigmatic artwork found at the Edge of the Galaxy. Explore the boundaries of art in the wondrous realm of Finger Skull Pizza, and savor this visual feast that leaves an unforgettable mark on your mind!"
My art is unique work.
It is completely hand drawn. 2500x2500px
I am an art director born in 86. I am a digital artist. I am inspired by my dreams in all the artworks I produce.
By combining my basic art education with my designer art direction, I reveal my own language in my art. I like to create weird art.
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