Released Apr 25, 2023
“Enigmatic”, an art exhibit that invites you to explore the mysteries of the human face through the artistry of Val Kilmer x Remo Camerota x Moses Boniface.
Produced by Val Kilmer, Ali Alborzi, BLKPRL Studios, B.Creative & Remo Camerota.
The Enigmatic exhibit is a stunning portrait of actor Val Kilmer, whose identity is transformed into a figure of mystery and anonymity through the power of obscurity and intrigue. The exhibit highlights the enigmatic nature of the human face and invites us to embrace the mystery and complexity of our own identities while celebrating the power of anonymity and the beauty of hidden truths.
The use of a scarf with roses to obscure Val Kilmer's eyes, invites the viewer to wonder about the emotions and intentions behind his hidden gaze. It also reminds us that true beauty lies not in what we see on the surface, but in what lies beneath. The collection opens on April 25th at 3:30pm Pacific Time and ends on April 30th at 3;30PM Pacific Time. It features two open editions, two one of one auctions, and three ranked auctions. We as well have added a gamification element to this drop. In order to participate, you must purchase “burn” tokens that are available at One must burn thier "Enigmatic" Token to redeem 1 limited edition Enigmatic NFT Artwork.
From April 30th, 2023 to May 16th 2023 You can burn 1 Token to redeem one of the limited edition NFTs from the game. A new artwork will be available every 24 hours with a 24 hour window to redeem.
On special redemption days, May 6th, May 9th, and May 12, you can redeem 10 Tokens to receive not only the limited edition NFT but also a fine art giclee print signed by Val Kilmer. For more information, and to purchase your "Enigmatic Redeem Token" go to We hope that you find the art you love!