Released May 25, 2023
The curation focuses on artworks that are created using retro computer graphics aesthetics and techniques, celebrating the significance of a pixel as the foundation for the entire rise of computer arts.
In the 1960s, the first visual display units (VDUs) were introduced, which utilized cathode ray tubes to display information. These early monitors had a curved screen and used an electron gun to project a beam of electrons onto a phosphorescent screen. Early graphics-capable VDUs were able to display resolutions of 320x200 pixels with a limited palette of no more than 16 colors.
During this time, every pixel was highly valued by early computer artists. This limitation led to the development of the dithered pixel concept, which utilizes a pattern of two or more colors to create the illusion of a larger range of colors and shading than is actually present in the image. Since then dithered pixels have been widely used in GIF and internet art to create complex images in a limited environment. It has proven to be an innovative solution to the limitations of early VDUs and has had a lasting impact on the world of pixel art, early video games, and digital art in general.
Collection 'Doting On Dither' includes work from a set of artists who use dithering, GIF, and pixel art techniques as a deliberate stylistic choice, working within technical limitations to evoke a sense of nostalgia. They create works in a variety of genres, from portraits and landscapes to abstract and surreal compositions to explore themes of identity, memory, and technology.
– Open Editions – Available: May 25, 8 pm UTC – May 27, 8 pm UTC
Live on Nifty Gateway and HITCH SWITCHERS Voxels Gallery. Curated by INA VARE.
Individual artistic journeys in the 21st century can be compared to a modular system where separate nodes are connected in different combinations in order to achieve some imagined outcome.
Artists today link not only their pencils to paper – they link their work and themselves from analog to digital realm, bring their art on blockchains, and become intermedia-like beings. They continually switch between technologies, hitch themselves to certain tools and build their own unique set of pathways.
HITCH SWITCHERS is a continuous series of curated exhibitions highlighting diverse styles from artists who use blockchain as one of their tools.
All exhibitions will be published on Nifty Gateway and Voxels virtual gallery curated/produced by artist INA VARE.