Released Jun 13, 2023
In the vast realm of art, time weaves its influence in intriguing ways...physical artworks bear the marks of their journey, succumbing to the ravages of time, while digital art remains unaltered, frozen in its pristine state.
DIGITAL ARTIFACTS reimagines this relationship, infusing digital pieces with an aura of historicity. Each artwork becomes a meticulously crafted digital artifact, evoking the passage of a century, adorned with glitched pixels and the allure of digital dust.
Time leaves indelible imprints on physical artβfading strokes, cracks, and accumulated dust and scratches. These signs of wear tell stories of the artwork's journey, deepening its connection to the human experience. Each blemish becomes a unique testament to the vulnerability and impermanence of physical art.
In contrast, digital art remains immune to tangible time effects. Its bits and bytes exist in a realm free from decay. Humidity stains, color changes, and the touch of time hold no sway. Digital pieces persist, unchanging and untarnished, a testament to the artist's vision.
Within DIGITAL ARTIFACTS, a paradox emerges. Glitched pixels and digital dust permeate every pixel, creating an illusion of antiquity. These digital pieces of art bridge the gap between physical and digital, capturing the essence of aged beauty and nostalgic eras.