Released Sep 26, 2022
Digi-Digi is a collection of three original characters existing in a 3D world as they play with their pixelated counterparts depicted as cute demons. Zoe explores the connection between organic, free-thinking characters and digital characters that need to be both created and controlled to exist. Each organic character encapsulates their own demon in some way. Tamago, the egg character, traps his demon in an egg. The two girls have a gravitational pull on theirs as if they created it themselves. In making the pixelated demons cute, Zoe makes our inner demons seem less scary, and in turn — easier to control.
A second NFT is included with each piece, which is a 3D sculpture for your virtual gallery optimized for OnCyber.
The Auction and Drawing will run for 24 hours. If the winning bid for Master demons but make it cute. is $2k or more, the collector will receive an 18 x 24 Giclee Art print of this character on 310 GSM, 100% cotton archival paper.
If any editions of Despite it all, play nice. remain after the Drawing concludes, the pieces will be available First Come First Serve.
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