Released Aug 22, 2023
To commemorate the launch of "The Monument Game" by Sam Spratt on Nifty Gateway, we have decided to create a special edition of our beloved CryptoSushis. This is our humble tribute to Spratt's influential artistry and pioneering venture into the NFT space, marking another significant moment in our collection.
Only ten more Sushis remained to be launched to complete the collection of sushi pieces, and we are excited to once again roll out a special edition as we have done previously with the Tesla sushi piece, which reached a record $10,000 on Rarible, and The Goose Sushi, sold for $2100 on Nifty Gateway.
We encourage you to visit our website to view our entire menu: Official Website Marketplace | Rarible Marketplace | Twitter | Instagram
Disclaimer: This drop is not affiliated with "The Monument Game" by Sam Spratt, it belongs solely to CryptoSushis and was created for commemorative purposes only.
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