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Released Feb 27, 2023


Curated by NACHT

CONTROL Control refers to the ability to manage or regulate situations or oneself. Good control can provide many benefits to individuals, such as increasing mental and physical health, improving effectiveness and efficiency, and helping to achieve goals. However, control also has some drawbacks, such as causing mental fatigue, creating tension in relationships, and inhibiting creativity. Losing control can also have significant negative impacts, such as increasing the risk of accidents, promoting destructive behavior, and hindering progress. Achieving a balance between control and openness can help individuals succeed in both personal and professional life. Control can be a powerful force in shaping our lives and achieving our goals. When we have control over a situation or ourselves, we can feel confident and capable of taking on challenges. This sense of control can also help reduce stress and anxiety, allowing us to better manage our mental and physical health. Moreover, good control can enhance our efficiency and effectiveness, helping us to prioritize tasks and make better use of our time. However, control can also have its downsides. When we try to exert too much control over ourselves or others, it can lead to mental fatigue and even anxiety. Moreover, excessive control can cause tension in relationships, as it may be perceived as a form of dominance or lack of trust. Additionally, too much control can limit our creativity and flexibility, preventing us from exploring new ideas or approaches. On the other hand, losing control can have serious negative consequences. When we lose control over ourselves, we may act impulsively and engage in destructive behaviors that harm ourselves or others. Losing control can also hinder our progress and prevent us from achieving our goals, as we may struggle to take appropriate actions or prioritize our tasks effectively. Therefore, it is important to find a balance between control and openness. This means recognizing when we need to exert control over a situation or ourselves, but also being willing to let go of control and trust others when appropriate. By finding this balance, we can harness the power of control to achieve our goals and enhance our well-being, while also avoiding its potential downsides.


MUTUMANIKAM is a collective that specializes in graphic design and collage art. Their works explore themes such as chaos, satire, black and white, dystopia, and utopia, utilizing collage to create visually striking, thought-provoking, and intellectually stimulating compositions. They use contrast and composition to reflect our focus on these themes, challenging and captivating the audiences. Mutumanikam's goal is to invite audiences to question their perceptions and consider the world around them in new ways, exploring the complexities of the modern world and the human condition through our art.




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