Released Apr 12, 2023
Collection by Erdogan Paksoy
Superheroes now live not only in the real world, but also in the cyber city. This digital world has become a new battlefield for superheroes. They use technology to fight against cyber criminals, malicious hackers, and other threats. In the cyber city, superheroes battle their enemies on computer screens and ensure the security of the cyber world to protect humanity.
It features three Open Editions, a public auction and one drawing for anyone who collects an edition from the public auction and/or Open Editions.
When the public auction enters the final 5 minutes, every successful bid will reset the timer to 5 min. Minimum bid increase of $15. The highest bidder will be entered into the drawing.
You can own the free drawing between April 15 6:31pm ET - April 17 6:30pm ET ! Hurry up!
Erdogan Paksoy - is interested in traditional, contemporary and digital art. He received awards from many competitions at home and abroad. Many famous people such as collectors, musicians and film actors have followed Erdogan Paksoy's art with admiration and added his works of art to the collection. He has album cover designs on music platforms like Spotify. He has been in the press and now many people know him. He has been involved with NFT since 2021. Come on, some art!
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