Released Jan 3, 2023
( 3 unique OPEN EDITIONS)
Scientists are discovering that the cocktail of brain chemicals in ignite passion is entirely different from the one that fosters long-term relationships. What, then, is it called love?
From a biochemical point of view, falling in love begins in the cerebral cortex. There are 7 chemical substances responsible for love: dopamine, adrenaline, phenylethylamine, oxytocin, endorphins, acetylone, and serotonin. But what happens when love dies?
Attachment, lust, attraction, addiction, pain and revenge leave a chemical imprint. Neurology allows us to take a look at what happens in the brain when the heart breaks.
The Artist
GALA MIRISSA, spanish girl pioneering on NFT since 2018, her work has been exhibited and auctioned all over the world, including the NASDAQ BILLBOARD in NYC, MOCA, CADAF ART NYC,HIVE, NIFTIES NFT.NYC 2020, CAFA CHINA, NFT.NYC TIMES SQUARE 2022, Cryptoart Island VIP in Gibraltar (Wisekeys), Alcalá Subastas Madrid, Templum Fine Art Subastas (Barcelona), Fauve Fine Art (Paris), Duran Subastas Madrid, KHON FUTURE (Bangok UNESCO), Artemiza Foundation USA, UNESCO IAIAP (Italy), International Festival at Saba Gallery (Teheran/Iran), Graffity Queens (Descentraland), Cryptovoxels and Descentraland VR Gallery, as well as a screening at the Denver Clock Tower.
Finalist in the Visual Artist Award Miami 2018 for Best Technical Innovation, her work was also Award-winning for inclusion in the International Filmmaker Biennale Women in Cinema (Berlin) and she was interviewed about the participation of women in Multimedia Art. Miami Art basel 2022 1/3th December.
Award-winning finalist in 2022, in a contest for posters of the prestigious Cava Codorníu brand .
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