Released Apr 9, 2023
24-Hour Ranked Auction
**In the near future, humans were forced to flee their resource-depleted world. However, this escape disrupted their natural habitat and damaged new planets. A group of scientists developed a device called Avatar. With this device, humans could transform into the bodies of local people.
The use of the Avatar device was controversial at first. Some argued that people should respect the cultures of local peoples. However, a set of protocols was developed for the use of the device. These protocols included respecting the local culture and protecting the environment.
The use of the device led to a better understanding between people and local people. Humans better understood the way of life of the local people and were better able to communicate with them. The locals, in turn, had a better understanding of how human presence on the planet affects wildlife.
The use of the Avatar device also had a significant impact on resource-depleted planets. Before settling on a new planet, humans met with local communities to work out ways to protect the environment.
As a result, the Avatar device helped people understand different cultures and lifestyles. In this way, when settling on new planets, people developed ways to protect the environment while respecting the natural world.**
Artist Contact: ACIDQUEEN