Released Apr 29, 2023
Hello! Hello! I am RU!
I am an artist living in Istanbul. I have opened 15 solo exhibitions in my country so far and now I say hello to you from the world of NFT. As my understanding of art, I write the story of each of my works. I am here to introduce you to my stories in this new world!
My New Story: Artist Cover! Artworks that have inspired many artists from the past to the present still preserve their miracles. Timeless feeds us. In this collection, three characters come to life again and this time I call out to them from today. Would the sky be bluer and the cities more crowded if they were alive?
Artist Cover shows that famous works of art history are revitalized in the digital world. The works in the collection have been recreated with a modern interpretation and digital techniques, preserving the spirit and aesthetics of the original works. If you want to follow me, let's meet on social media
Twitter - Instagram - Web - Spotify
Love, Ru!
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