Released Jun 27, 2023
"Artificial Victorian Dreams on the clods" is a series created by Fabiano Speziari and Patrizia Barnato (Fabian&Barny), an artistic collaboration between two artists also united in life.
The first 9 to collect at least 3 dreams will be able to claim The Three Towers dream for free.
On the clods of earth reborn, after the twilight of our home, we glimpse the plots of dreams, of ladies and men in an ancient era, where dystopia and irony dance together with elegance, weaving threads of magic in a fascinating symphony. Tiny islands suspended in the sky, like precious jewels in the starry mantle, hold the visions, the nocturnal thoughts of souls from the past time, a whirlwind of romance in a whirlwind of wonder, within the walls of ancient hearts, where the past and the future intertwine. Like a ballet between the possible and the unexplored, the works take shape, a dance between past and future. Victorian dreams manifest, noble and elegant, shrouded in mystery in an atmosphere of magic and wonder, a journey into the past, guided by imagination, reminding us that art is a bridge to immortal worlds. The series "Artificial Victorian Dreams on Clods" was created through the technique of collage, in which different works by Fabiano Speziari and Patrizia Barnato, regenerated by artificial intelligence and then reworked by the artists themselves, come together in an artistic synergy.