Released Feb 18, 2023
Apocalyptic Diaries follows the stories of the last remaining inhabitants of a dystopian society, in which no justice or order exist and one being is feared above all, the Subconscious. Vol I focuses on the Subconscious travelling through the lands, searching for every soul. Many call the Apocalyptic Diaries a myth, others a prophecy but the unknown writer of these diaries refers to the book as a book of warnings. In this sense, Apocalyptic Diaries can be referred to as a warning, to times long gone and times yet to come.
Two 5/5 Ranked Auctions starting at $20
Burning of Pompeii - The Subconscious meets the last soul, as an ancient civilization comes to an end.
Love Always Hurts - The Subconscious watches the lost souls of lovers, drowning in the sea of sorrow.
Two Open Editions - $15 per mint
Romeo and Juliet - In this alternative take on the classic story, Juliet survives whilst Romeo comes to terms with the Subconscious.
Born Sinner - The Sinner, our innermost desires attempts to lure in the Subconscious.
Apocalypse is a 23 year old self taught artist from the UK. From a young age, she used a creative medium whether that was through writing or making art, to express herself. When she heard about NFTs, she knew it was a great opportunity for her to follow her passions. She plans on dedicating her time and energy into creating art that not only resonates with her but also finds great solace in. The main figure in her work is known as the 'Subconscious'.
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