Released Jan 19, 2023
"Dive into the unknown with the fearless trio!!"
Once upon a time, in a distant universe, there lived three young girls named Liara, Kaidan, and Nami. .They lived in a beautiful underwater kingdom, surrounded by blue coral reefs and teeming with all manner of sea creatures.
Lira, the eldest of the three friends, was a skilled girl with long, flowing white hair. She was known throughout the kingdom for her bravery and her ability to communicate with the dolphins and whales.
Kaida, the middle one, was a girl with brown hair and beautiful face. She was a talented musician and often sang to the sea creatures to soothe their troubled minds.
Nami, the youngest girl, was a girl with white long hair. She was curious and adventurous. Spent her days exploring the deeper parts of the kingdom, always eager to discover new things.
Three friends worked together and protecting their kingdom, together as one. Their bond as friends became stronger than ever before. They lived happily in the sea, exploring and and they were hailed as heroes throughout the kingdom.
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