Released May 20, 2023
"Escape from Battery Town" is a game design set in a dystopian universe, about the struggle of humans against a retro futuristic artificial intelligence dictatorship living in the upper world. This collection is one of the first big steps towards making game design a reality. Many thanks in advance for your support!
Hi, I'm Lager. If I had to explain my art; I feed on total chaos and demonic elements. Subjects that are still taboo by feudal societies are the main food source of my paintings. My effort to integrate the concepts of "Liberté, égalité, fraternité" into my art forms a large part of my daily routine. because these concepts are the values that form the basis of civilization, the progress of humanity. Therefore, even if the artist designs games or composes music, he should always protect these values and integrate them into his art. The methods of this integration are "love" for some and "anger" for others. I reflect my anger on my art style to protect these values. Destroying the values of bigoted societies brings me to the core of artistic production. here is my art
Kind regards, "Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me!"
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