Released May 3, 2022
This collection centers on Japan, it's landscapes and it's culture. Unique, colorful and poignant. The duality in this country's essence, tradition vs modernity, is something you can find in both creators' work. And yet this specific drop is more concerned with igniting emotion, rather than telling a full-blown narrative. It doesn't impose a message on you. Like all great art, this collection of works is open ended. It aims to let the viewer dwell in it, and give shape to the raw emotion it exudes. And we can say with certainty, that it achieves this goal in marvelous fashion.
Marinel Sheu
There's a lot to unpack about Marinel Sheu, also known as the CEO of Vibe, and we'll get there in a second, but first of all...Who is Marinel Sheu? Marinel Sheu is an Albanian illustrator, currently based in Dublin, Ireland. He is known for his signature sunflower artworks or the cinematic evening sunset. You cannot help but notice his unique color palette and details that make every artwork special. His portfolio is big and ever-expanding. Marinel creates at a consistent and steady pace. He makes sure to stop and smell the flowers but never gets distracted for too long. He tells me in his own words: "I like to experiment, I like to play around. My inner child makes it almost impossible for me to experience art-block!" Marinel's art has been acknowledged and appreciated globally as he has worked for many worldwide corporations and has been published by important art magazines. Among them we can mention: 'It's Nice That', Arsham Studios, Disney, Gucci, Netflix and Vice.
Iurie Belegurschi
Iurie Belegurschi is an internationally acclaimed nature and travel photographer with a passion for the outdoors and the Arctic Region. Self-taught, he is renowned for his impressive talent for capturing the power, majesty and vulnerability of the world’s most spectacular landscapes. Iurie’s award-winning photographs are immediately distinguishable by their awe-inspiring compositions. Part of why Iurie is respected in his field and admired by nature-lovers is his talent in low-light photography; each shot imparts a stunning air of mysticism. Furthermore, his willingness to put himself in challenging landscapes under extreme conditions, often for weeks at a time, has allowed him to capture images few others would have the steeliness to obtain. Iurie’s message has perhaps been most impactful through his acclaimed photography exhibitions of Iceland’s nature, which have been excellently received both domestically and abroad. Such showcases of his incredible portfolio have proved his excellence as a visual storyteller, spellbinding audiences with both the striking beauty of his photographs and their impactful, poignant narratives. Aside from his exhibitions, his groundbreaking images have been featured internationally in books, magazines, calendars, advertising, and countless other media outlets. Iurie also runs a Fine Art/NFT Gallery in Iceland and his pieces were collected by thousands of people around the world including the President of Iceland.
This collection opens on May 3rd at 6pm ET.
It features 2 ranked auctions, 5 drawings and 2 open editions.
The ranked auctions will take place for 1 hour, starting at 6:30pm ET
The drawings will take place for 33 minutes, starting at 6:30pm ET
The open editions will be available for 33 minutes, starting at 6pm ET
Click here to view the open edition.
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